South East England Development Agency is Closing on March 31, 2012

The Government has announced that all Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), including SEEDA, will close by 31 March 2012.

Responsibility for economic development and regeneration in England is being passed onto successor bodies, including Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and central Government departments

Our objective is to ensure a professional and cost effective closure by this date.  We have pledged to work closely with our partners, contractors and stakeholders to ensure that the past and future economic benefits of key programmes and assets continue to deliver the greatest economic value for the South East and value for money for the taxpayer. 

Please click here for more details about our closure plan, transition arrangements and successor organisations.

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Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives everyone the opportunity to access information held by public bodies, including SEEDA, relating to their public functions. The Act’s purpose is to foster openness, transparency and accountability in Government.

Information SEEDA makes publicly available

We publish a wide variety of information on this website via the Publication Scheme.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, all public authorities are required to make information available through their publication scheme. The publication scheme should contain information which is disclosed routinely, without the need for a written request for that information.

The headings used in our Publication Scheme are based on the definition document for Non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), provided by the Information Commissioner’s Office. This document, and further guidance on the Freedom of Information Act, can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

The Freedom of Information disclosure log also lists information which has already been requested of SEEDA.

To make a Freedom of Information request

Firstly, browse our Freedom of Information Disclosure Log to see if the information you require has already been requested.

Alternatively, the information you require may already appear under the Publication Scheme.

If you have not found the desired information, please  email us at  or use our online form available here.